Friday, October 21, 2011

MoneyCampus : Domain Name Marketing

do you know the demand for domain names..? I guess most of you might not be aware that some of the domain names such as,, were sold for more than $7,000,000(yes you hear it right, more than 7 million in $'s) and you would be shocked to know that domain was sold for whooping $14,000,000, Can you believe that..?? ;)  that's hell a big amount right..??? There was always a great demand for catchy domain names, and in the current scenario of a rapid growth of internet it has grown to it's peek.

if yo want to register any domain names now, then just try checking for the availability. I bet you would be very much disappointed, as most of the meaningful domain names you tried to search have been already taken. That doesn't mean that we are all out of stack. We still have quiet a many available, which might not be appealing, or catchy. The purpose of this post is that you have an opportunity to make money with these domain names. All you need to do is, do research with the names and geographies, then search for those domain names availability across the web and if you find them available then own it and sell them to the higher price in the market.

Now, that you know what is domain name marketing. Here are few quick thing to follow in this money making business,

1. Do research on the domain names and their availability depending upon the trends and geographies.
- For this you have to make extensive use of Internet you can search several sites to get this information, but this is self study and you need understand to the core of it.

2. Decide on Domain Names
- Once you are done with your analysis and research in this field, if you feel that you have come up with some catchy domains names, then try their availability. You can check the availability of domains with several sites on internet. But here is my favorite one of them Instant Domain Search, just type and check the availability by yourself instantly. I suggest you to be very selective on the top level domains, if you are not aware of what top level domain means then here is a short description on it. While searching for domain names, every domain name has to end with already defined top level domain names(such as .com, .org, .us, .net, .biz).

3. Buy the Domain Names
- Yes, you heard it right. Suppose if you have come up with a catchy domain names and you feel that they are work buying then don't waste your time in buying them. Even that domain name might not be available for long time. And there are much more site which allow you to buy domains through them. But again, i personally prefer GoDaddy. For which I am happy with and they have an amazing support and makes thing lot more easier for the buyers. Alternatively you can find hundreds of such companies who sell domain names on internet. Also, remember that don't go for the cheaper ones. Later you might have several problems with them, ranging from domain name theft to absolutely no support. Typically a domain name might not cost more than $10 for one year period. I suggest you you to buy for at-lest of 2-5 years, for which you get quiet a good amount of discount on your purchase and also need not get worried of it's expiry every year.

4. Auction the Domain Names
- Now that you have our favorite domain names with you. You can either put them for auction directly or wait for some time. Or optionally you can host your own site and have fun with it till you think that your site is ready to earn. And when you think so, then I suggest you to put the domain name for auction and relax. Again most of the vendors from whom you have bought the domain name will also provide the services to auction the domains, so you need not be worried on that. You decide on what price you want to fix for the auction and if you get that amount then you can sell it. For that you need again analyze the profit and loss formula very well.

Suppose if you have bought the domain for $35 for 5 years, then you can auction for a minimum amount of say something like $100. So, that you make more than 100% profit minimum. And if you have a very catchy domain name with you then there is no upper limit. Who know if you get the deal of say $10,000 or even more, so patience is key in this game.

5. Enjoy the money
- I am sure that you are really good at this point and no need of any suggestions.

So, this is what MoneyCampus has bought you this week. We hope that you have benefited with this blog and we also wish that you make lots of money. MoneyCampus is here to help you figure out several ways to make/save money online. We are not at all interested in spam which end up wasting you money by unnecessary registrations and your time. MoneyCampus will post only the legal ways to make money online from it's best sources. Also remember that we post only when we test them by ourselves.

Happy moneyEarning

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